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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Permanently Remove Body and Skin Hair

Permanently Remove Body and Skin Hair

Unwanted body hair can be got rid of by two principal methods by laser removal and by light based removal. Of the two systems, most people would name the laser operation first. The laser procedure has many disadvantages that the other method does not have.

Laser Powered Hair Removal

Selective photothermolysis is the process by which the hair is removed. The light wavelength is carefully set to remove the hair but leave the surrounding tissue unaffected. Permanent hair removal can be achieved very effectively by the laser process.

To keep skin damage to a minimum, the specific sessions are spaced out over loads of weeks, so the complete time to get rid of all the hair may be long.

Grey, light colored hair and very light fuzzy hair does not react so well to laser treatment.

Because of the inherent dangers of laser treatment, the process must only be carried out by qualified people and makes the whole thing expensive if the face and large parts of the body need to be treated..

There are further disadvantages as well as the cost.

The specific operation can be painful so numbing creams are usually used to create the patients experience more acceptable. Extended laser treatment can take a long time as the creams can only be used over small areas of the body in one session due to the adverse health effects.

Once the session is over, any residual soreness or swelling often disappears around days 2 to 4. Hyper-pigmentation or discolouring of the skin can also happen although adjustments of the equipment during the process can be carried out to minimise this problem.

Due to the potential problems with this technique, it is essential that it is only performed by qualified, experienced professionals. A lot of women may detect the biggest disadavantage is the cost, even if they are not concerned about the other possible problems.

The other contender - Light based Hair Removal

The process of light based hair removal uses light in a different and safer way. This system is considerably safer than the laser as the light intensity is not so potentially harmful, so the probability of damage to the skin are much decreased.

The melanin in the hair shaft causes the hair to heat up when pulses of light at certain frequencies are applied by the Home Pulsed Light product whilst at the same time cooling the skin in the immediate vicinity. The operation of efficacious hair removal as amplified by a special acoustic effect that allows the light level issued by the product to be much reduced, so minimising the possibility for skin irritation and soreness.

This type of product has two main benefits over the laser way, one it can be used at home and two is much less costly than a course of laser treatment. As with laser treatment, light based hair removal systems do work so well with certain hair types, however as there is no pain during the procedure, no numbing creams are required.

Any skin redness or irritation usually does within a few days, however this is likely to be much less than with the laser technique.

The thing both systems have in common is that they are capable of getting rid of body permanently. although it may take some time.

The time it takes for hair to evolve under the skin is the explanation why it takes some time to get rid of all the hair permanently. Depending on the person, the full hair cycle can be as long as 24 months and the hair in what is called the resting phase cannot be affected by either system. Whilst the hair growth is in what is called the resting phase, neither laser of light based processes cannot affect it. Whether laser or light based systems are used, complete hair removal may take some time depending on the individual.

One of the best products on the market that uses the light based procedure is Silk n Sensepil. This product is very leisurely to use at home. The Silkn technique gives complete and permanent hair removal which is improved by a unique feature built in called a "Skin Color Sensor" that adjusts the output to suit the user.

The cost of buying waxes and creams over the years can add up to a significant amount of money, so by purchasing the Silkn system as a one off can be a sensible decision.

Adrienne  is a freelance write and web designer who is passionate about womens beauty, health and fitness.

More about the subject of skin health in general can be found at The Real Beauty Reviewer

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