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Thursday, February 23, 2012

New to Yoga? Start Here to Develop a Lifetime Practice of Better Health and a Beautiful Body

New to Yoga? Start Here to Develop a Lifetime Practice of Better Health and a Beautiful Body

Yoga is a practice that poses extremely difficult challenges. Yet, starting out in Yoga is incredibly simple. You really don't need to purchase a thing. The only things you need when you start practicing Yoga are a secluded spot in your house, loose fitting clothing (or no clothes), a good attitude, small ego and a big heart.

If you decide to purchase anything at all I recommend you invest in a blanket, pillow and practicing mat. You can find these easy just try a Google or Amazon search for 'yoga mat'. You can also buy a complete yoga set (try a search for it) that includes a strap and two foam bricks. They also sell them at wal-mart in the sporting goods section.

There are also several things you should do while not actually practicing Yoga. These will help your sessions go smoother and you will gain more from them. You should eat a balanced diet.

Make sure that there is at least 4 hours between your meals. Make sure you get the sleep your body needs and try to do it during the nighttime.

One of the great things about yoga is you can literally practice it anywhere. I recommend that you pick a quiet and secluded spot if possible, though. You could have a studio in your zen garden in the backyard or clear out a corner of your bedroom. Also, make sure your studio is well ventilated and clean.

Make sure the clothes you wear are really comfortable. Sweat clothes, shorts or leotards all work really well. The main objective is to be sure that you can move freely in your yoga clothing. Traditionally, yoga is practiced barefoot. It would be fine if you chose to wear comfortable shoes or socks during your session.

You should wait at least two hours after a meal to practice yoga.

Fifteen minutes before you start drink a glass of warm water. Also, clear out your nostrils and throat to ensure that you are breathing comfortably. If you need a snack before your workout then the best choices are an energy bar, fruit, a glass of juice or warm water. Consume these an hour before your workout.

Practicing Yoga first thing in the morning is great for helping you revitalize your mind and body. In the evening you should consider practicing yoga meditation and breathing exercises. A yoga session can reap great results without being long and intense. Here is how a basic beginner yoga session should look like:

~ Warm Up - Gets your body ready for a safe transition to an asana practice. This would be enough for an entire beginner regimen, alone. These exercises allow the hips, spine, shoulder, groin and lower back muscles to open up.

~ Standing Poses - Aligns the body and feet. Stretches the legs, adds strength to your back, opens your hips and increases your overall range of movement. These poses help with your digestion, blood circulation and encourage weight loss.

~ Sitting Poses - Encourages better breathing and allows you to achieve a calm and quiet feeling. These poses are a great workout for the legs and buttocks.

~ Twists - Help to relieve backaches and releases the tension in your spinal cord. Also, helps with your blood circulation.

~ Supine and Prone Poses - Increases the mobility of your spinal cord and releases any tension in your abdominal area. Will help you gain strength in arms, legs and back. Also, releases your groin and hips.

~ Inverted and Balanced Poses - Helps to develop coordination, increases strength, stamina, agility, poise and improves grace. These poses are also great for helping you improve your focus and concentration.

~ Backbends - Have a benefit to the kidneys and adrenal glands. Releases tension in your shoulders, pelvic girdle and the front of the body. Also, improves the flexibility of your spinal cord.

~ Finishing Poses - Cool down exercises

Now, finding a list of yoga poses is very easy. You have several choices. You can buy a book or do a Google search for 'beginner yoga poses'. There are also a lot of great dvd's available that work really well because they give you a better visual reference. Try a search on for 'beginner yoga dvd'. It can never hurt to read or learn more.

Dee Braun, a single mom of 6, is a Certified Aromatherapist and natural health practitioner. Click now to visit at - a large directory full of free natural health ebooks covering common ailments, illnesses, health conditions and natural healing techniques.

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