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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Acne Remedy For Beauty

Acne Remedy For Beauty

Allow your body to retain health and throw out toxins through perspiration by regular exercise and healthy food habits.

Diet and exercise

Analyse your eating habits by maintaining a chart of what you eat in the course of a week. Do you follow regular timings for meals? Do you ensure regular intake of dry fruits and fruits? Try to see that you incorporate the major food colours like green, orange, yellow and red into your daily meal. Analyse your water intake. Does the amount you have effectively flush out your system or do you allow yourself to remain thirsty for long periods? If you tend to binge on food, watch whether you are wrongly reading a demand for water as one for food. Food and liquid in adequate amounts are essential for allowing your body to work its own acne remedy. Work up a sweat for at least half an hour everyday.

Get yourself checked

Your physician will normally ask you to undergo a full check of vital indicators before recommending an acne remedy.

As your body attains maturity, hormonal activity is high. It becomes essential to rule out the possibility of an endocrine disorder before trying out other options to manage the problem. Another check is to make sure that your blood count is in order. Once these are counted as normal, the doctor is likely to recommend an acne remedy in line with the severity of the problem. You may want to take the advice of skin specialist to counter check that the recommended line of treatment is in order. Be aware of the side effects of your treatment since most remedies attack the acne without trying to sort out the root cause of the problem.


This is an essential aspect of acne treatment.

Do you wake up in the morning feeling that you have not had a good night's rest? Do you lie awake at night for a long time before sleep overtakes you? Are your sleeping habits erratic because of work or study pressure? If your answers to any of these questions is 'yes', correct your habit so that your acne remedy is effective. While sleep is an essential consideration, also consider the way you spend your free time. Take up activities that fulfil you. Once you have managed your sleep requirements and the need for recreation, take care of stress factors in your environment.


Are you a laid back person or do you tend to worry about minor issues? If you are the type of person who mulls over hurtful things that others have said to you, your body is getting stressed. If you regularly replay past events and re-create old hurt, an acne remedy will not effective. A large part of the effectiveness of acne treatment is the faith reposed by the patient on the treatment and the ability of the patient to manage stress reactions. When the body is under stress, the body goes through is a reduced ability to fight off infections because of compromised immunity.

Next, if you are looking for ways to manage your personal habits and adopt an effective Acne Remedy, log on to for ideas and creative inputs.

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